Charlotte Roy        

Charlotte Roy

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CV Short  
I’m a postdoc to the Epileptic Center at the University Hospital of Freiburg, Germany working with Dr. Lukas Kunz and Prof. Andreas Schulze-Bonhage. I'm working as a cognitive neuroscientist on memory and spatial navigation on humans, employing cutting-edge neuroresearch methods including single-neuron recordings and intracranial EEG. My postdoc is part of a collaborative project founded by the NIH invesitagted by Prof. M. Kahana in Pennsylvania and Prof. J.Jacobs in New-York.

Before that, I was a postdoc in the Applied Cognitive Psychology Group at Ulm University, Germany, working with Marc Ernst from 2017 to 2020. In 2017, I got my PhD at EuroMov at Montpellier University, France, working with Simone Dalla Bella and Julien Lagarde.

During my PhD, I focused on the effect of multisensory integration on humans in movement. See: 2019 Psychological Research Paper and 2017 Brain and Cognition paper and 2017 EBR paper . My PhD was funded by a fellowship from the French Ministry that I obtained in 2013.
Find a 3 min explanation of my thesis (in French) on youtube

During my Postdoc in Ulm I've been working on human behavior while they navigate in space and time. The three main lines of my postdoc focused on:
I obtained two grants. One, as a principal investigator to investigate human navigation in 3D with a specific focus on behavioral experiments and modelling. The second one, as an associate-researcher in a European Grant (CrwodDNA, FET-OPEN) investigating human behavior in a crowd.

I enjoy hiking, cooking and dancing.



3D Human Navigation experiment

Walking In Circle experiment